How much do you charge?
Prices may vary based on the guest count, hours, and specific requirements.
Basic Cost for 3-4 hours *Most Popular-Non Heavy Drinkers:
For Guest Count Range 75-100-Non Heavy Drinkers (3-4 hours):
For Guest Count Range 125-150-Non Heavy Drinkers (3-4 hours):
For Guest Count of 175 or More-Non Heavy Drinkers (3-4 hours):
Estimate of the travel time and associated costs (fuel, tolls, etc.) for the round trip from [my town] to [your town]
Example: 1 hour of travel time at a rate of $50 per hour, the total for travel time for 2 hours would be $100.
$60 for the mobile bar
Total cost for compostable cups, napkins, and straws is $40.
Currently Unavailable
Here's an example breakdown using the formula for SoHo Mobile Bartending's event bartending service time category and ensuring the total cost does not exceed $600:
For Guest Count Range 25-50:
Example Scenarios:
For Guest Count Range 50-100:
Example Scenarios:
For Guest Count Range 100-150:
For Guest Count of 150 or More:
Feel free to reach out to us to get a personalized quote based on your event's guest count and other considerations. We're here to ensure your event is a success!
By adjusting the rate per person to ensure the total cost for the event service time category does not exceed $600, we can maintain a consistent breakdown while keeping it within the specified limit.